Tuesday 19 May 2015

I Muse...How I Got a Slania Catalogue

Not too long ago I wrote a blog reviewing the Czeslaw Slania catalogue titled Czeslaw Slania: Catalogue of Works. It looked like an impressive catalogue indeed. Since I wrote that blog I've been trying to work out how to purchase a copy. If you read the review blog you'll remember that the catalogue was far from cheap! So how to get it? Well, an answer seems to have presented itself in the form of my amazing wife!

Over the last ten years or so I have been battling with a chronic illness,  which, insidiously, has caused multiple issues with my body. The latest issue began about six weeks ago in the form of terrible noises in my head. I've had these noises off and on for several years now - it's called tinnitus - and it has been manageable.  But six weeks ago something seemed to flare up in my head, bringing with it the most god awful noise! It has really worn me down. Thankfully I have begun a course of medication which is dealing with the problem, albeit slowly.

Anyway, back to the catalogue. A few days ago my wife informed me that she had purchased the catalogue! I am over the moon. And the anticipation of the arrival of the catalogue is certainly helping me during the trying times as this problem goes away. The only problem is it is coming from Canada so the anticipation may last up to four weeks! Butnnow I have it, and I will do another blog - perhaps a more in depth review - when it arrives.

Until next time...

Stay Slania Crazy!

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